Piano Conversations - About God and the World
Kait Dunton
piano (panned right)
Albrecht Gündel-vom Hofe
piano (panned left)
This is a suite consisting of different original compositions by Kait Dunton (Los Angeles) and by Albrecht Guendel-vom Hofe (Berlin) reframed by an original arrangement of a famous choral from the 18th century. Stylistically classical music meets jazz.
TT 71:46 Min., Bestellnummer pT-1184, EAN 4250523311848, VÖ primTON 2016
Kait Dunton piano (panned right)
Albrecht Gündel-vom Hofe piano (panned left)
A Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten - Alpha (composed by Georg Neumark, arranged by AGvH. Soloists: K-A)
2. First & Trio (composed by KD. Soloist: A)
3. The Dream (composed by KD. Soloist: A)
4. Karussell (composed by AGvH. Soloists: K-A-K)
5. Home (composed by KD. Soloists: A-K)
6. B & A (composed by AGvH. Soloists: K-A)
7. Aloft (composed by KD. Soloists: A-K)
8. Living Water (composed by AGvH. Soloists: A-K)
9. SECA (composed by AGvH. Soloists: K-A)
10. My Scottish Rose (composed by AGvH. Soloists: K-A)
11. Mt. Serendipity (composed by KD. Soloists: K-A)
12. Where Do We Come from and Where Are We Going (composed by AGvH. Soloist: K)
13. Song with Words (composed by KD. Soloists: A-K)
14. Hymn to Life (composed by AGvH. Soloists: K-A)
O Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten - Omega (composed by Georg Neumark, arranged by AGvH. Soloists: K-A)
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"Piano Conversations": a two-piano album with Kait Dunton & Albrecht Gündel-vom Hofe
Zur CD
"Piano Conversation" ist ein Zwiegespräch zwischen den beiden Jazzpianisten Kait (L.A.) und Albrecht (Berlin), angelegt in Form einer Suite. Die einzelnen Sätze dieser Suite bestehen aus abwechselnden Kompositionen beider Dialogpartner, welche verschiedene Stimmungen und Themen widerspiegeln. Mal überschäumend fröhlich, mal nachdenklich melancholisch drehen sich die einzelnen Konversationsbeiträge letztlich um das Leben selbst und münden schließlich in einen Hymnus auf das Leben. Umrahmt ist dieses Zwiegespräch durch einen Prolog und Epilog in Form eines Chorals als Sinnbild für einen weiter gefassten Dialog mit dem Einen, der Quelle und Ziel des Lebens ist.
About the CD
“Piano Conversations” is a dialogue between jazz pianists Kait (Los Angeles) and Albrecht (Berlin) arranged in the form of a suite. The individual movements of the suite are comprised of alternating compositions by both conversation partners which reflect diverse moods and themes. Sometimes exuberantly joyful, sometimes thoughtfully melancholic, each contribution to the conversation looks at life itself, ultimately leading into a hymn about life. This dialogue is framed by a prologue and epilogue in chorale form, symbolizing a broadly defined dialogue with the One who is the source and goal of life.
Liner Notes
The compositions by Albrecht Gündel-vom Hofe and Kait Dunton on this new CD take the listener on a journey of "Piano Conversations - About God and the World" and the two performers leave us mesmerized. Beside the technical ease, with which they take us along for the ride, the recording has an almost tender melancholic approach, which is grounded in the fusion of classical piano playing and Jazz performance.
Babette Hierholzer, German-American pianist